Donate to the Millan Centre

The Millan Centre thanks you for your financial support and solidarity - it means a lot to us. All donations, no matter how small, are appreciated. We will write and acknowledge your donation as long as you let us have your contact details. Your donations help us maintain to sustain and grow the services for our service users who will benefit from a different life experience due to your involvement.

There are different ways to donate, in any way that you choose to help, thank you so much for your generosity.

Donate by Cheque

Please send cheques made payable to Millan Centre to:

Millan Centre (Bradford),
Victor Street,
BD9 4RA.

Thank you for your support.

01274 480691

Millan Centre (Bradford)
Victor Street,
Bradford BD9 4RA

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday – 9.30am to 3.00pm