Celebrating the memories of South Asian women living in Bradford
The millan Centre ran an 18-month heritage project (2014 – 2015) to capture the history and experiences of south Asian women living in Bradford.
There were a series of workshops, reminiscence events and one-to-one interviews to gather and conserve the stories and memories of South Asian women. The events were held at a number of Community Centres and venues to reach a wide audience of women.
The aim of the Hamaari Yaadein project was to gather the stories of the first, second and third generations of South Asian women living in Bradford through events on themes such as education, childhood, marriage, racism and children.
The project captured the experiences of women using a variety of methods. The project enabled women to share and celebrate their achievements and experiences. They also had an opportunity to tell their stories so that future generations can learn from them and appreciate their heritage. These stories will also provide a better understanding between communities.
A DVD, a book and a photographic exhibition have been produced. The book and DVD has been distributed widely. The copy of book and DVD are now available for sale for information contact the Millan Centre on 01274 480691